Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences

(Miedzywydziałowe Indywidualne Studia Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze – MISMaP)


Mission statement

The college of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MISMaP) represents an opportunity for students of the University of Warsaw to engage in interdisciplinary studies in Science. MISMaP was formed according to the principle that Science and Mathematics intermingle and together constitute a coherent whole. The college itself has been created through the joint efforts of the University faculties of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.


MISMaP is heir to the tradition of the University of Warsaw Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, a renowned centre of research and education in the inter-war period. The application for the opening of interdisciplinary MISMaP studies was approved by the UW Senate on 18 December, 1991, and the course itself began in the academic year 1992/1993, as the first of its kind in Poland. In 2001, the MISMaP College was officially established.


Candidates applying for admission to MISMaP demonstrate intellectual interests that go beyond one scientific field. The goal of MISMaP is to enable students to create individual study curricula which incorporate courses offered by multiple faculties. It serves as a platform of inter-faculty cooperation in the area of student education.